Serving the Broughton and Salford Communities for 100 Years
Did you know there has been a church on this site for 100 years!
Broughton Community Centre and Broughton Community Church (known locally as 'The Naz' or 'The Naz Community Hall') is a bustling ministry hub in the Lower Broughton area of East Salford.
BCC-Salford (The Naz) community hub and ministries have been revived over the past few years and, as we approach our centenary, we're at the beginning of a new phase in our ministry to this local community. In 2022 we changed our name to Broughton Community Centre and Broughton Community Church (BCC-Salford) and remain connected to the Church of the Nazarene, currently working as an expression of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.
With the new appointment of a minister, Reverend Louise Kenyon in Spring 2022, we are excited to see what God will continue to do through all those who are part of BCC-Salford.
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